Charles DeShazer, MD

I am a board-certified Internal Medicine physician with over 20 years of experience in medical informatics, quality and clinical performance improvement.  I have come to the conclusion that the key to health is wellness and prevention.  The benefits of the tremendous advances we have made in medical care are being blunted by poor life style choices and a dysfunctional healthcare system focused on acute care.  We need a dialogue and concerted and aligned effort to redesign the system and empower consumers with information and tools.  The objective of this blog is to share what I am seeing on the horizons of healthcare, wellness and prevention as well as spreading the word on well-established evidence-based practices that are sadly underutilized.


Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a health care professional.  The views in this blog are my personal perspective alone and do not necessarily represent the view of past or current employers.

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